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If you are interested in connecting personally with one of the children, we will be happy to arrange for pen pals - please contact us at

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Volunteering with KKEV Cambodia

The Kinderhilfe Kambodscha e.V. distances itself from “voluntourism”, a form of tourism that we do not support and that sadly can be found elsewhere in Cambodia. To protect our children, the access to our village is very tightly controlled and we do not allow any tourists or day visitors to enter our premises.


If you are interested in a long-term volunteering opportunity at our village and want to help in a meaningful and sustainable way, you are very welcome to get in touch with us with any questions or your application.


Language skills in English are a prerequisite, previous professional experience in the fields of education, psychology, psychotherapy, or medical or technical training (e.g. construction of solar systems, etc.) are an advantage.


Find an FAQ document here and use the email link embedded in the document for your application. The welfare and safety of the children are always our top priority when selecting potential candidates.

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